Author, Book Writing, Encouragment, Inspiration, My Journey, Writer

…And She Laughed – Why the title AND encouragement for writers!

“It’s not what happens to you, but how you react that matters.”  – Epictetus

Why the title?

No matter what language you speak, there are some things that are simply universal like a smile, a hug, love, and laughter. Laugher is a sign of joy, fun, excitement, light heartedness, and amusement. In all my life it has been one of my most favorite things to do! I love laughing and I enjoy having fun and amusing those around me. But, I had a season where I had lost my laugh, I could still smile, but I didn’t laugh. I remember one morning waking up and wondering what was wrong with me. I was so overwhelmed with all that was going on in my life and then it dawned on me, I hadn’t laughed in days—at nothing. Even things that would’ve normally made me laugh didn’t amuse me. I was in a dreadfully gloomy place. Anyone who really knows me knows I can be walking down the middle of a life wrenching trail, but I still know how to enjoy life, relish in the moment and laugh! I know for sure it is my joyous disposition that causes me to WALK through trails and not sit down in them–meaning I don’t stay in them long. But, during this particular season I sat down and I suffered because now what life was doing to me was now happening in me and I couldn’t muster up any joy! Continue reading
