Healing, Victory, Brokenness, Freedom, Happy, Soul, Love, God, Uncategorized

You can’t ask something BROKEN to be FIXED! 

The other day I was listening to a friend pour their heart out to me and they said, “You can’t ask something broken to be fixed!” That sentence hung in my mind like wet clothes drying themselves on a clothesline on a musty summer’s day. My mind rinsed that sentence over and over, as I begin to journey down my bumpy road of healing. I pondered over the number of years I tried to “fix” myself because I was severely broken. Molested, unfathered, abdonded, rejected, an abortioner, my life was infested with seeing abuse and being around substance abuse as a child. I was familiar with hardships and as I grew into adulthood it crippled my ability to function in a normal state of being. I was angry, depressed and broken. I desired to be fixed, but I didn’t know how. 

For some of you reading this you can relate. You’re in that broken state and perhaps even those around you are saying, “You need to fix ______ this! Why can’t you fix this _____” I’ll let you feel in the blank. And you’re looking at all life has handed you and like me you’re wondering how can something so broken ever be fixed. My friend was right, “You can’t ask something broken to be fixed!” But you can piece it back together, you can mend it and restore it back to life. 

If someone gave me a priceless vase, costing $25,000 I would want to protect that vase vehemently. I would place it somewhere that it could be seen but never touched. Perhaps my adventerous 5-year-old daughter starts throwing a ball to her rambunctious 11-year-old brother in the house, which they often do, and that ball hits my expensive gift, my vase, shattering it into to many shards of glass. I am devastated. I can’t even think to yell at my children, all I want to do is quickly pick up the pieces. I don’t want them to scatter too far or someone step on a piece grinding it further into dust. So I frantically gather the pieces hoping that somehow, someway, someone somewhere can restore it. 

That’s what happens with us, life tries to deliver us a death sentence. It slowly tries to eat away at our sanity and errod our peace with chaos, but you don’t have to be a victim to life. 

I love the cues that God has left us of how we are to respond to life’s situations, when you get a cut on your arm your body’s natural response is to heal and be restored back to its orginal state. You don’t have to ask your body to perform this miracle because inside your body it already has the capabilty to heal itself. Deeply embedded in the human DNA is resilency. There is a natural gift of healing that resides in every human soul. You no longer have to try to “fix” your broken pieces, simply gather the pieces and offer them to God so that the healing balm can be released on the inside of you to be restored. Just like the broken vase you may not look the same, but you are still in tact and you are still valuable. 


Why MUST We Choose?

This is one of my favorite blog entries that really resonates with me and I wanted to share again! If you haven’t please read… Why Must We Choose?

aneshasharp's Blog

I’m sure you’ve been asked at some point in your life the defining question? So, what do you want to be when you grow up? Do you want to be A doctor, A lawyer, A teacher? What are you going to do with your life? The answer to that question is one many people wrestle with for years and for some all of their life. I think the real question isn’t what do you want to be when you grow up, but rather who do want to be when you grow up? Because there are many different ways that your life can express your “who” that doesn’t fit into being one single “what”. When people ask this question they are looking for a single categorizinganswer. I don’t think we mean to catalog one another, but there’s safety in having a clear individualized answer to who someone is and…

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Having Faith Is NOT About Having it Perfected!



When I first heard the faith message, I must admit I was intimidated by it. It seemed like there were too many steps, too many rules, and too much perfection involved. And I’m just not that girl.

Having faith is not about having it perfected! Some of you read that line and immediately red flags went up!

Come, read further, let me explain why….

Recently, I’ve talk to several people who are experiencing some very traumatic things in their life and they felt really bad because while they are believing God concerning their situation, they are afraid! The Bible teaches us that without faith it’s impossible to please God, right? So, what are you talking about, Anesha? Sometimes, as believe we put the emphasis more on faith and less about who the faith is in.

Are we putting our faith in faith or are we putting our faith God?

Faith is the substance or the essential of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. It’s a substance. But, often times we see faith as something like meter starting at 0 and ending 100 and  if our “faith is high” then God will answer our prayers, but if it’s not then our prayers must wait in a magic prayer bin in the sky until our faith level reaches at least the 90 percentile mark at which time our prayer request can be answered! What does that even mean…we as believers may have either heard or have even been quoted as saying, “My faith is high…” However, the bible teaches all we need is faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains, that doesn’t sound like big faith, but the small mustard faith is in a BIG GOD!

So the question must be asked, what do I do with my fear (unbelief) when I’m in faith? Ask God to help you with it. In Mark 9 we find a father who is believing for his son to be healed, but he has some unbelief; unbelief is really a result of fear. He goes to Jesus and cries out for him to help his son! Jesus explains to him, All things are possible to those who believe, in response,  “The father instantly cried out, ‘I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!'” – Mark 9:24  Jesus didn’t respond with depart from me you have unbelief! NO, He healed the man’s son! Why? Because he had faith in God (where the Bible teaches us to house our faith in Mark 11:22)! His unbelief wasn’t that God couldn’t heal his son, his fear or nonbelief was in the circumstance his son was facing!

Because here is the thing when we recognize there’s fear of what we’re facing we then convince are our self that we are out of faith and once we do that now we really are.

I want to leave you with this…the next time you are facing something scary in your life try not to focus on the object of faith more than you focus on God’s ability to fix what ever your situation is. When we are head to head and eye to eye with life’s destruction it’s only human to have some fear, life can throw some dirty blows, but fix your eyes on God, His answers, and His promises!

Have faith in God and when you have fear of your circumstance, ask God to help with your unbelief, your fear! Having faith is not about having it perfected!

My LOVE to  YOU,

Anesha A. Sharp
