Author, Book Writing, Encouragment, Inspiration, My Journey, Writer

…And She Laughed – Why the title AND encouragement for writers!

“It’s not what happens to you, but how you react that matters.”  – Epictetus

Why the title?

No matter what language you speak, there are some things that are simply universal like a smile, a hug, love, and laughter. Laugher is a sign of joy, fun, excitement, light heartedness, and amusement. In all my life it has been one of my most favorite things to do! I love laughing and I enjoy having fun and amusing those around me. But, I had a season where I had lost my laugh, I could still smile, but I didn’t laugh. I remember one morning waking up and wondering what was wrong with me. I was so overwhelmed with all that was going on in my life and then it dawned on me, I hadn’t laughed in days—at nothing. Even things that would’ve normally made me laugh didn’t amuse me. I was in a dreadfully gloomy place. Anyone who really knows me knows I can be walking down the middle of a life wrenching trail, but I still know how to enjoy life, relish in the moment and laugh! I know for sure it is my joyous disposition that causes me to WALK through trails and not sit down in them–meaning I don’t stay in them long. But, during this particular season I sat down and I suffered because now what life was doing to me was now happening in me and I couldn’t muster up any joy!

That morning laying in my bed, I received my ah-ha moment–I knew I had to welcome laughter back into my life once again. So, I began to on purpose search out the funny, even if I had to find it on TV or YouTube. In a matter of time my laugh came back and guess what all the rain that was pouring down my head began to cease. The sun started to shine and my world was bright once again! I remember as I started to claw my way out of my dark hole, I was in prayer one day and the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and said, “Your day of sadness of spirit and heart is over. You will laugh.” Then He followed up the words he had laid on my heart with this scripture, Genesis 21:6 that reads, “Sarah said, God has made me to laugh, and everyone who hears will laugh with me.” And so the title was born.

So many times as ladies, as people really, we become the storms that we go through, we let them take over and rule every area of our life neglecting the truth that eventually the storm must end and if we keep our posture right it will end sooner than later. The title is representation that after all the dust clears and the smoke blows over SHE, YOU, ME can have the last laugh because we’re still standing victoriously and even better we don’t even have to wait until the storm ends we can LAUGH NOW!  …And She Laughed!

Encouragement For Writers

As a published author who coaches other authors, I’m often asked many questions about book writing and one that I’m asked a lot is, “How long does it typically take to write a book?” I always answer with there is no set time frame, everyone’s journey to writing and publishing is different. My first book took me nine months to write and fully complete to publish. I just recently finished a book with myself and 27 other women that will be released soon and that book literally took us several weeks. Then there is “And She Laughed” I started writing this book before I was pregnant with my 3-year-old daughter. I must be honest and say there’s a little embarrassment mixed in with my joy. I’m embarrassed because it has taken me over four years to write this book, but I’m overjoyed because I never gave up on the story that continued to call me to complete it. I never quit!

That’s my encouragement to those of you who have started a book or who desire to write one, start and don’t stop until you finish! I must admit that I went long seasons without writing anything for this book, at times I felt writer’s block standing in my way, and other times I wanted to give up on the story all together. Now that it’s only weeks away from being published I realize that the timing is perfect and there were different things I had to go through as the writer to mature the story. I loved writing this fictional work, it was one of the funniest things I’ve ever created. It was such an amazing journey for me, on some days my characters became my escape, I would lose myself in their story line and they would write themselves!

I believe those of you with books in you, your story is calling to be written, to be told, be obedient to the call and start writing! If you need help in your journey know that I’m here to serve you, but in the meantime my second solo book project will soon be making a debut!! Woot!! Woot!! …And She Laughed!

Love and Kisses,

Anesha A. Sharp

Author, Speaker, Minister


One thought on “…And She Laughed – Why the title AND encouragement for writers!

  1. Charles M Martin II says:

    I am certain this book will shed light on one of the main reasons people’s joy is riddled with interruptions. Anesha unlocks the secret to continual joy and laughter!!! Also life principles that will strengthen any person that wants more out of life!!


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